Singapore Sustainable Finance Association

3rd IEA Finance Industry Advisory Board (FIAB) Meeting – Asia Pacific


The 3rd IEA’s Finance Industry Advisory Board (FIAB) Meeting, with a focus on Asia Pacific, is set to convene in Singapore, marking its flagship board meeting in the region. This meeting is jointly organised by the International Energy Agency (IEA), Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) APAC Network, and SSFA – and convened as a FiNZ (Finance for Net Zero) Connect Series & Ecosperity Week Partner Event supported by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).

This event will bring together key stakeholders from leading private and public financial institutions actively engaged in the energy finance sector. Established in March 2023, the FIAB provides an informal platform for a structured exchange of views on energy investment and finance. This leverages the IEA’s analytical outputs and fosters dialogues between the energy finance community and energy policy makers.

Event Details:

Date: 15th April 2024, Monday
Time: 14:00-17:15 SGT
Venue: Marina One West Tower (Level 3, Meeting Rooms 1 & 2), Singapore
Note: By Invitation Only


  • Facilitate reflection and sharing on financing energy transition in Asia experiences and accelerate transition finance
  • Opportunity to provide inputs on upcoming IEA Southeast Asia Energy Outlook and priorities for the Centre’s work

About Co-convener:

The International Energy Agency (IEA) examines the full spectrum of energy issues including oil, gas and coal supply and demand, renewable energy technologies, electricity markets, energy efficiency, access to energy, demand side management and much more. Through its work, the IEA advocates policies that will enhance the reliability, affordability and sustainability of energy in its 31 member countries, 13 association countries and beyond.

The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) is a global coalition of financial sector net-zero alliances working together to support the world’s transition to net-zero emissions by 2050. Through the net-zero alliances, GFANZ has united over 675 institutions across the financial sector, including banks, insurers, asset owners, asset managers, financial service providers, and investment consultants, spanning 50 jurisdictions and representing 40% of global private financial assets. To help unlock transition investment in developing economies, GFANZ regional networks (which includes the GFANZ Asia-Pacific Network) work to support capital mobilisation, expand participation, and reflect the diverse needs of financial institutions around the world.


  • Ms Kavitha Menon (Director, Singapore Sustainable Finance Association)
  • Mr Ravi Menon (Chair, GFANZ Asia-Pacific Network Advisory Board)
  • Mr Tim Gould (Chief Energy Economist, International Energy Agency)
  • Ms Yuki Yasui (Regional Director, GFANZ APAC Network)


13:30 – 14:00 Registration & Welcome Coffee
14:00 – 14:15 Opening Remarks


  • Mr Tim Gould, Chief Energy Economist, International Energy Agency
  • Mr Ravi Menon, Chair, GFANZ Asia-Pacific Network Advisory Board
  • Ms Kavitha Menon, Director, Singapore Sustainable Finance Association
14:15 – 14:45 Session 1: Findings from recent IEA analysis and overview of IEA workstreams for 2024

  • Brief presentation by the IEA, followed by Q&A.
14:45 – 15:30 Session 2: Transition Finance to Catalyse Asia’s Energy Transition

  • Presentation by GFANZ Asia-Pacific (GFANZ APAC) Network to demonstrate how transition finance aligns with its frameworks (e.g., Net-zero Transition Plans (NZTP), managed phaseout of high-emitting assets etc.), before expanding on how transition finance from different sources of capital can contribute to the region’s energy transition. GFANZ APAC will also provide an overview on the state-of-play of transition finance in Asia, examining the key roadblocks to the mobilization of transition finance in Asia to set the stage for the discussion with participants around the table.
15:30 – 15:45 Coffee Break
15:45 – 16:30 Session 3: Themes for the IEA Southeast Asia Energy Outlook and the IEA’s Regional Cooperation Centre in Singapore

  • The IEA Regional Cooperation Centre in Singapore will serve as a hub for the IEA’s activities and engagements in the region and beyond, providing policy guidance, technical assistance, and training and capacity building. The Centre will focus on scaling-up the deployment of renewables and other clean energy technologies, increasing cross border power trade and improve access to finance for clean energy investments. The Centre is scheduled to commence operations in the second half of 2024.

16:30 – 17:15

Session 4: Guidelines on the use of IEA scenarios for financial institutions

  • This session will explore the potential for the development of Guidelines on the Use of IEA Scenarios for Financial Institutions. Participants are invited to share their experiences and insights in using IEA scenarios in the Asian context, such as in setting financed emissions targets for their portfolios, engaging real economy companies and assessing their transition plans, and evaluating project alignment with climate goals.

For more information, please contact the SSFA Secretariat Team (

General Membership Approval Criteria

Prioritise organisations with a defined approach to sustainable finance and have demonstrated thought leadership

Domain expertise in areas that are of strategic importance to SSFA

Prioritise corporates from sectors that are critical for Singapore’s decarbonisation

Ability and capacity to contribute to SSFA’s activities – workstreams and events

General Members’ Categories

FI Partners

  • Financial Services
  • Financial Regulators
  • Financial Sector Industry Bodies, Networks, Platforms & Associations

Industry Partners

  • Non-financial Sector Corporates
  • Non-financial Sector Industry Bodies, Networks, Platforms & Associations
  • Government Agencies

Knowledge Partners

  • Academia/IHLs*
  • Consulting and Advisory Services
  • Data Providers
  • International Organisations*
  • Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs)*
  • NGOs*

*Non-fee paying, by invitation only